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As you drive around Bay Creek, the landscaping will certainly catch your eye
and flowers are everywhere ... well, truth be told, the orchids are actually
sitting in our kitchen window ..

Hydrangeas, Iris
& Roses
This Gallery includes varieties of
flowers that have large populations throughout the Bay Creek
Resort including Hydrangeas,
Iris, and our Knock-Out Roses which produce amazing
blooms in May and September
Here to view images or to watch slideshow |

Camellias, Mums, Peonies & Flowering
Shrubs This Gallery includes images of our Camellias which
seem to bloom all Winter and our Mums, Peonies and Lilies
which keep us smiling in the Spring, Summer and into the Fall.
Also included are flowering shrubs and trees like Azaleas and
Dogwoods .. there is an almost endless display of horticultural beauty that provides an unlimited
subject for the photographer Click
Here to view images or to watch slideshow |

"Everything Else" This Gallery
includes images of "everything else" .. including Clematis,
Daffodils, Daisies, Hybiscus with some Mandvilla and Orchards
included for good measure Click
Here to view images or to watch slideshow |

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